Thursday 18 April 2013


Mr. Round was really brave to tell us what is happening to the public schools. Schools should not be treating students like they are robots. They have to eat, they have to communicate with each others, they have so much to learn in school, and not only texts. As they said, they were making the children lifelong learners, why would the school system change to such horrible things?

Students are not going to school to learn how to write a test and get into Universities. Even they know how to take a test and get perfect marks, they still don't understand deep in the contents. If they don't understand, how can they survive for four years of University study? School should have thought of it.

I hate how school treats students like they are not a normal being. They need to learn by their whole life. Schools should have use the students and parents' perspective and to understand how they will think about this system. Lifelong learners should always be the way to teach the students.

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